In this week’s episode “Banning Childless Adults from Disney World?” we broke down and discussed a social media rant that went viral from a woman who “hated childless women with a BURNING PASSION”, thought moms with kids should get to skip all the lines, and who thought people without children need to BANNED .
If you haven’t had a chance to see this one yet, here you go. It’s a doozy.
Warning: Naughty language ahead.

This rant has stirred up lots of debate, with New York Post even chiming in on the issue, but most on social media were quick to agree that we should all just live and let live. If adulting at Disney World is your thing, that’s cool. You do you. Here are some of our favorite responses from Twitter.
— Katie The Human ✨ (@katiethehuman99) July 26, 2019
maybe stop shaming people for enjoying a freaking theme park.
The irony that this mother doesn’t realize is the amount of entitlement oozing from her that’s often stereotyped to millennials. Of course with a three year old (joining chorus- why would you bring a three year old to Disney?), this woman is probably a millennial also.
— PolitiGeist (@GeistPoliti) July 26, 2019
She wants to ban childless visitors AND wants mothers with children to be able to skip line? I don’t think she thought that through.
— 30-50 Fredo Hogs in 3-5 Minutes (@Jezzerat) July 21, 2019
She wants to ban childless visitors AND wants mothers with children to be able to skip line? I don’t think she thought that through.
— 30-50 Fredo Hogs in 3-5 Minutes (@Jezzerat) July 21, 2019
FFS, a childless couple is still a FAMILY.
— LCS says IM🍑 (@LchanPlays) July 22, 2019
And it’s not like advertising to adults is anything new to Disney World. Check out this great retro ad from 1979 that boasts “70% of our kids are adults“. But yeah, those “darn millennials” amiright?